Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Shutter Priority

The Shutter Priority mode is another Semi-Automatic mode where user can set the shutter timing and leave the Aperture Priority to the camera. The Shutter open time determines the amount of time for which the shutter is opened and in turn it determines the amount of light that comes through on to the film. Amazing pictures can be taken with this mode. Look at the picture below.

The Shutter speed determines the amount of time for which a image is captured. If you want to capture a fast moving object you need to use high shutter speed of 1/250 sec. Setting shutter speed to this value means that the shutter closes in 0.004 sec and captures the image in that time making it easy to capture a moving object. See the below picture of a moving car.

But the fun begins when you take a image with slow shutter speed allowing the camera to capture a image for long time. If you see the first image, it is taken a low shutter speed of around 1/8". With this low shutter speed the image is captured for longer time giving us a sense of motion. Look at the following link for some pictures taken in this mode.

Different shutter speeds are supported by mostly all the high end cameras. The Possible shutter speeds are 8", 4", 2", 1", 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000. Thus, the fastest and slowest shutter speeds are 1/2000 sec and 8 seconds.

Look at the following link for more information about the shutter speed and different kind of photos that can be taken in this mode.

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