Sunday, July 10, 2011

Black and White Photography

Some times colors may be distracting...

Most of the photos we see around are in color and we seldom see black and white photos. Beautiful pictures can also be taken in b/w mode. When taking a picture in b/w mode the photographer need not worry about the color combinations in the picture and can concentrate on shape and form of the object.

With b/w photography we can bring out textures, patterns and contrast shades in the image. The important thing that need to be considered while taking pictures in b/w is to select the subject. Most subjects in nature can be captured beautifully in this mode.

You can use a moderate ISO value while taking these b/w pictures as it will capture a number of shades that are in the image. But take care of the noise it induces. With b/w pictures we can clearly bring out the shadows of the subjects in the image allowing us to capture great images.

The one more thing that need to be taken care is the surrounding light. The surrounding light is crucial as it will bring out different shades, and these shades make a b/w photo lively. It is suggested not to use flash in this mode as it may induce more light in the image making it bright.

Although some cameras have a black-and-white function, it's best to shoot in colour and convert to monochrome using photo editing software. This gives you more control over the image as you can use information from any or all the color channels.Look at the following link for more information related to b/w photography.

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