We may have a very expensive high end camera, but if we do not know how to use it, then it is of no use. The first thing that we need to learn as a photographer ( rather amateur photographer :D ) is how to hold the camera. Most if us have point and shoot cameras which are difficult to use when compared to DSLR (Digitial Single Lense Reflex) cameras that are very easy to hold and take a picture avoiding camera shake. Holding your camera still is essential, especially with point-and-shooters, which take some time to focus and capture an image. What makes it even difficult to use these point to shoot cameras is slow shutter speeds. So how to we hold these slim and sleek , cigarette pack sized cameras firmly to a decent picture with out the camera shake?? Here are some of the tips from the experts
- Hold your camera firmly with your right hand
and use your left hand for support from beneath or side to avoid shaking when you click the shutter button. This is very useful when you are holding the camera in the standard horizontal position before you eye.
- Try to get support from your surroundings.
Take a look at the following picture where the photographer used the table for support. She placed her elbows on the table to get a firm support and to avoid shaking which will generally happen while pressing the shutter.
- If nothing is available make use of other parts of the body apart from your hands.You can tuck your elbows tightly into your ribs for support.
It may be uncomfortable when you try it for the first time. But to get a good picture you need to get uncomfortable some times :).
Now these are some of things that you can do to avoid blurry photos. But there are some things that you should avoid doing when using these compact cameras, like
- Do not keep the camera away from your eye at arms length. When you stretch your arms the chances of shaking your hands while taking a picture increases.
- Do not use high zoom levels. At high zoom levels even a small moment of your hand may result in blurry picture. Try to get as close to the subject as possible.
- Do not zoom while taking the picture. First select the zoom level that you want and then take the picture with firm hand position.
- http://www.travelsignpostsphoto.com/basic-stuff/the-war-against-blurry-photos-holding-your-point-and-shoot-camera
- http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2278962,00.asp
- http://photo.net/learn/point-and-shoot-tips